Monday, October 24, 2011

Describing Beauty

If you skip ahead to 12:15 of this episode of "How I Met Your Mother" Marshall describes the best burger he has ever had. He deems it "the best burger in new york." The way he describes this burger relates to me as something truly beautiful. This burger, for Marshall, is something of pure beauty. This description is a good example of how beauty can feel to somebody.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 17th Assignment


I feel that this photo represents the diagonal rule pretty well. The fence in this photo going diagonally into the background is much more dynamic if say the fence just went straight back or straight across. 


This photo represents the rule of thirds obviously because the subject in focus is in the right third of the frame. 


I chose this photo to represent a graphic vector because this trail is relatively straight and leads the eye from the bottom to the top of the frame. 


This photo i chose to represent an indext vector. The pointed metal leaf at the top of the vertical bar leads the eye up and out of the frame. 


I chose this photo again to represent a motion vector. The trail here is the motion vector. The trail leads us across the field back towards the hill. It gives the viewer balance because the trail gives us somewhere to go. The photo below represents the same thing except in this one the trail sort of becomes lost and that may give us a sense of unbalance. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

bad webpage design is a poorly designed website

It is a German website that sells stuff. Well, I think thats what they do anyways. Almost all of it is in German so I can't understand most of it.

There is no order to this site whatsoever. Everything is so cluttered it is unreal.
The text is completely random. Some of it is different color, different sizes, and some of them are even underlined or highlighted. The color scheme is also completely random. Every color on the planet is found on this page, which is extremely mind boggling.

I think this page falls into the asymmetrical/all over balance category because their is an underlying grid pattern to this site, which is the only thing is keeping this site hardly organized.

Good webpage design  is a japanese interior design firm. Their neat, new, stylish and organized interior design work really coincides with their website.

First I want to discuss the contrast this page has.

-great color contrast from the rich, white background with the intense bright thumbnails
-interesting positional and orientational contrast with the thumbnails when you move your mouse over them. They aren't just sitting on the page anymore, they actually jump out at you and push the ones that your mouse isnt on top of behind and to the side, as if saying that the thumbnail your mouse is on top of is the most important.

Second I'll talk about symmetry

Symmetry usually suggests formal and orderly lay-outs. This web-site isn't symmetrical, and it isn't strictly formal and orderly either.
- This website may have an asymmetrical/all over balance, because of the underlying grid pattern that this webpage has. And since most of the square thumbnails arent that much different from each other it still keeps that grid lay-out, and it is still balanced.

Gestalt Principles 
Law of Pragnaz: States that reality is reduced to the simplest form possible
At first glance we see all the thumbnails as a whole grid.
At a second glance, the shade changes of the colors of each thumbnail along with the unsquare corners tells us that it might not be just an ordinary grid lay-out. Then once you move your mouse over a thumbnail it confirms that it is not just an ordinary 2d grid lay-out.

Law of Closures: States that objects grouped together are seen as a whole. 
All of the thumbnails are grouped together, which makes one look at it as an entire unit rather than as individual thumbnails.


If you look at this web-site without moving your mouse on top of the thumbnails I think this website doesnt work. When you do move your mouse over the thumbnails the page comes alive. It brings so much more to the page. I think the key to this website is that going through the thumbnails and having them jump out at you actually makes it fun to browse through. That is what makes you keep browsing through all of their different projects which is a great way that they advertise their work.  

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kanizsa Triangle
This Photo I found on Big Spaceship. the black and white obviously create intense contrast. The thing about this design is that there isnt actually a white triangle, but the eye sees a white triangle. The three circles on the outside of the black triangle help lead us to believe that there is a complete triangle but there isnt. It seems like our mind kind of creates the triangle for us. Like we actually can see a hint of a shade difference that would suggest a line. The photos is symmetrical with there being pacman circles on each side of the triangle and... Each point of the non-existent triangle. That also makes the photo balanced. everything is equal in this photo.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

contrast photography activity

I like how in this photo the shoreline directly behind the fish is highlighted  but the pavement to the left of it and the deeper water to the right of it is not. One can get a sense of texture from the dead fish and the wet highlighted pavement. The darkness of the mouth and the hole where the eye used to be suggests death, but the highlighted shoreline (which is also a vertical line) brings us right up to the blue sky which kindof suggests color and life. And this is a salmon so the circle of life of a salmon is really brought ot to me in this photo.